Lawyer and Mediator Carmi Ronen specialises in Family Law and Civil Law, and offers personal and professional guidance throughout the legal process. He is also the Director of the Mediation and Family Advice Centre in the central region and helps divorcing couples to reach solutions through mediation.

About Carmi Ronen, Lawyer and Mediator
Our office is located in Inbar House, 13 Kanfei Nesharim Street, Giv’at Shaul, Jerusalem, near the Family Law Court and the Regional Rabbinical Court, as well as the Labor Court and the Appeals Court.
Lawyer and Mediator Carmi Ronen specializes in Family Law and Civil Law, and offers personal and professional guidance throughout the legal process. He is also the Director of the Mediation and Family Advice in the central region and helps divorcing couples to reach solutions through mediation.
Carmi Ronen has completed his BA in Law and Humanities with honors. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.